had a good time seeing Pop Noir at the Roxy.
i really think these boys will go big places. i'm glad for them.
i think they're so funny because onstage they totally rock out and theyre so out there and then when they were at my bday bash in feb. they were so quiet and just stood with Ruby and her crew the entire night. haha. they're cool guys though and you guys should definitely give them a listen because they are fantastic:
make sure you listen to Santa Ana, that's my favorite track.

the wombats also played and im going to be honest, i had never heard them before. sure i downloaded that free itunes song but they didnt really strike me as amazing. i still feel the same way but it was a good show nonetheless. i mean come on, as it being my first guestlisted show i decided to stay and enjoy it. the wombats made me feel like i was a fifteen year old girl again....or maybe it was the fact there were a bunch of 15 year old girls there? haha. who knows. all i know is that i'm tired of little kids at shows. i know i used to be one of them but i was never that annoying.
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