Follow my blog with Bloglovin
well it was a good month of updating!
however, i am permanently making a move to livejournal.
Let me explain:
I was getting tired of having to keep a personal journal (lj) and a blogspot for music/cinema/literature/random things so I decided to just merge the two. I can control LJ better and am far more familiar with it anyhow. Also, I like to post my monthly playlists and tracks and after recently reading an article on L.A. Weekly on how Google is deleting posts with tracks without even telling the author, I feel like Blogspot is kind of useless to me. And besides, this is better for me, because the upkeep of two blogs is hard work!
so if you want to still check up on what's happening in my little world and/or want new tracks to spin come on over:
Somewhere Between Waking & Sleeping
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