so Lykke Li was good. it was not an extremely amazing show like the high schoolers behind me claimed, but it was good show. i've definitely had my share of amazing shows but this one was just okay. Lykke Li was fun and energetic and oh so very swedish, but i was definitely blown away by the husband & wife duo Wildbirds & Peacedrums.
they were so goooood. their energy was very contagious and very well received. and just when i thought i couldnt be more impressed, the girl (whose name i dont know and im really too lazy to look up) steps away from the mic and just sings the intro to one of their songs out into the audience without a mic. it was such a beautiful moment i couldnt control myself. seriously, it was so beautiful! haha.
so my new goal in life is to move to sweden and find myself a gorgeous drummer to marry me so we can have a sweet band.
but yeah, check them out, you might like them.
esp. those of you who like Feist & experimental stuff:
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